Jones Gang Photo Page #1
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Peek at a few JonesImages!

The Big Wu Family Reunion, May 25, 2001
Sarie flew back to hang and jam!
Also from BWFR 2001
Terry V, drummer of of The Big Wu, sat in with us for the entire set. SuperSweet!
This one is from our set at the BWFR 1999
To get this shot, Dave climbed up into the rafters of the garage-like thing we were playing in... Also notice Chris Castino of The Big Wu sittin' in!
Here's Leif at The Quest in Minneapolis
Eric freekin at BWFR 2000
Stu, John and Jim at BWFR 2000
Eric, Sarah, Lee and Stu from BWFR 2000

If you have any Jones Gang pictures, we'd love to see 'em & scan 'em!