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Gang Base 1996
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Gang Base 1999
Gang Base 2000
Gang Base 2001
Gang Base 2002
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Minneapolis' Grateful Dead cover band!
The Jones Gang exisits as a jam band within the context of a Grateful Dead environment working though a rotation of about 300 tunes. Setlists are structured much the same way as the Dead did throughout their stellar carrer. If you love The Dead and and have never seen The Jones Gang, please check it out, you WILL be pleasantly suprised!
Timmy the Freak of "The Weelkly Freak" calls us "Deadly" and the"jerryatric jam-bent jubilee band"! He says we lay out "tripsical jams" during our "nocturnal freak fests."
Quotes from Jones Gang audience members: "Dude...it's cashed"...Eric R. Eden Prarie, MN "Look at your hands, weird huh?"...Dave P. Mpls, MN
date | time | venue | thing to know... | 9/21/02 | 9:00pm | Grand Pines "Famous Dave's" Resort Hayward, WI | Musicians Gone Fishin' | NOVEMBer | TBA | Dates to be announced soon | |
Remember: "...our only weapon is mutual love, good humor and music. A sure strong knowledge that if this can't save us, nothing will." Robert Hunter, 7/2002
Come and party with us!
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